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NIE Networks Meter Reader on doorstep

NIE Networks employees and anyone working on our behalf, including tree cutters, meter readers, engineers and meter replacement contractors will always carry proof of identification.

Keeping our customers safe is very important to us and these are just some of the ways we can help do that.

Quick Check 101

When a meter reader or member of our team comes to your home or premises, they will always carry an identity badge.

If you are unsure about a caller, ask them to wait outside and close the door. You can then ring the PSNI Quick Check service on 101 to confirm they work at NIE Networks. Our meter reader or engineer will wait for you to make the call or give you a card to come back later.


Password Scheme

Our meter readers can give you a password, if you have agreed one with your electricity supplier, to prove they are genuine.

Meter Reading Appointments

Our metering team can make an appointment for those customers who need more time or if you would like to have someone with you while we read your meter. You can do this by contacting us via WhatsApp, Facebook Live Chat or our Customer Helpline.

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