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As the owner of the electricity transmission and distribution networks in Northern Ireland, NIE Networks is working to ensure that we continue to bring electricity to the 900,000 customers we serve across Northern Ireland. The health and wellbeing of our employees and customers remains our priority.

How Are We Operating At This Time?

Essential Work

Our response to COVID-19 remains under regular review and we are following the advice of government and public health bodies closely to ensure we implement changes to our operations where necessary.

Our essential work, including maintenance and power cut response, is continuing as this is important for ensuring the network remains resilient and any disruption to supply is minimised. By continuing with this critical work we are able to protect the network for the months ahead when more than ever homes and vital services across Northern Ireland will need a reliable electricity supply.

We will do everything we can to keep these interruptions as short as possible and we would ask customers to be understanding at these times. If our teams, or the contractors we employ to work on our behalf, are due to be working in your area, and we need to interrupt your supply, we will tell you in advance so you know what to expect.

Our services will be critical to supporting the thousands of home offices that have become necessary, for families to video call grandparents, for keeping friends connected and to allow people to access the important information they need online. Our employees, including those in our customer service teams, will be working to support homes and businesses and we would ask customers to be patient and courteous when dealing with our staff.

Our emergency response will also continue as normal and if you need to report a power cut or a hazard please contact us via WhatsApp, Facebook Live Chat or our Customer Helpline. Click here to view our contact options..

Meter Reading

We are continually reviewing our meter reading service and at present we will continue with this activity with some restrictions in place.

Residential Premises

Our meter readers will continue to call at your home but will seek your permission prior to entering.  Our meter readers will only enter your home if they are in good health and are not displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.  Our meter readers are adhering to a strict hygiene regime and will ensure they stand at least 2m away from you at all times. We would ask you to protect them by also maintaining this 2m distance.

If you would prefer our meter reader did not come into your home then you can read the meter yourself while we wait outside.  Our meter readers will then record the reading you provide to ensure you get an accurate electricity bill from your supplier. If you are unable to read your meter, or if you are not at home when we call, we will leave a card with information on how to submit your meter reading online, via email or over the phone.

If your meter is located outside your premises our meter readers will continue to call and read your electricity meter as normal.

Commercial Premises

Meter reading inside commercial premises will continue as normal.  Our meter readers will only enter if they are in good health and are not displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.  Our teams are adhering to a strict hygiene regime and will ensure they stand at least 2m away from you at all times. We would ask customers to protect our teams by also maintaining this 2m distance.

Submit A Meter Reading

Remember if you need to submit your own reading there are three ways you can do this:

Online –
Call Us - 03456 093 030
Email -

You only need to submit your reading to either NIE Networks or your supplier, there is no need to do it twice. If you are unable to submit your meter reading you will receive an estimated bill from your supplier based on your usage history. It is important to provide an accurate meter reading during this time to ensure your consumption is accurate.

Metering Electricians

A metering electrician will need to enter your property if you have an indoor meter and you experience a meter fault, if your meter is being changed due to a new tariff request from your electricity supplier, or because we need to carry out essential maintenance such as a meter replacement. You should let us know in advance of your appointment if you would like the work to be postponed. In the event you experience a meter fault but you are self isolating, you need to let us know so we can take precautionary measures before entering your property. Please contact us via WhatsApp, Facebook Live Chat or our Customer Helpline. Click here to view our contact options.

Wayleave Officers

Our electricity equipment is, for the most part, located on customer’s fields or outdoor areas and managed by a wayleave agreement. Our wayleave officers may call to your home to view or access the land and to discuss the wayleave agreement. If you are self-isolating we would ask you to inform our wayleave officer as soon as they call at your property and we will complete any discussions with you over the phone at a suitable time.

Wayleave Queries - Payments & Notifications

All wayleave payment queries from customers remain very important to us. Changes to the way in which we are working during this time however may result in us being unable to review letters being sent to us by post and requests for copies of legal documents may be subject to a delay.

To help us process wayleave payments as quickly as possible, we would encourage all customers to submit their queries via our online forms available here

For customers unable to access our website, please call our Wayleave Helpline Messaging Service on 03452 470 003. You will be invited to leave a message including your name, grantor number, telephone number and any other relevant information. We will return your call as soon as possible and complete the form on your behalf.


Our connections teams are operating as normal. Visit our connections page for everything you need to know about the process for connecting your home, farm, business, generation and low Carbon technologies.

Vulnerable Customers

We are committed to providing the best possible service for all of our customers. We understand that this is a particularly concerning time for those most vulnerable in society and we remain committed to keeping our customers safe and supporting those who rely on life-saving medical equipment. You can read more here about joining our Medical Customer Care Register and the other services we provide.

General Etiquette

  • If we should meet with you over the coming weeks, we will not be offering to shake hands as we normally would. This is in the interest of protecting the health of both our employees and you. Please do not be offended.
  • We are regularly issuing health and safety guidance to all our teams. Hand sanitiser and masks have been provided to our temas and our employees are following best practice in terms of social distancing and hand washing.

Other Useful Links

Below you will find a number of useful links providing information in relation to Coronavirus.

COVID-19 Risk Assessments