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NIE Networks agreed its last business plan with the Utility Regulator in 2016. The business plan set out how we would deliver our services to customers for the period 2017 – 2024 (RP6) and commitments we made to customers including our “Ten Network Promises”.

Since then, the team has carried out a significant amount of stakeholder engagement to ensure stakeholders have their say in our plans. We gave stakeholders updates on our performance and sought their opinions and ideas. Their feedback helped shape our thinking, modify our service delivery but also is helping us plan for the future – which is critical as we develop our business plan for the period 2024 – 2030. By listening to stakeholders, we believe that we better understand what our customers expect and where they would like us to focus. We also believe we understand what the network needs to be able to do to meet customers’ expectations and the challenges of a rapidly changing energy landscape.

Reports summarising this activity can be found here.

As we continue to prepare for the next regulatory period, 2024 – 2031, we will continue to seek stakeholder feedback and we will be asking if our plans are appropriate, if there are other issues to consider and if our scale of ambition is appropriate.